The three-part recipe for success. And the ONE thing you need to know to transform your communications from doubt-ridden and draining, to fulfilling, fun and accurate.

Hi! I am Joanne Yeoh. I am an animal communicator and I have been practising animal communication for between four and five years, although my journey to this point has been longer. 

I wanted to create this membership to motivate you to continue on with your animal communication journey. I'm very passionate about encouraging you to become more familiar with your own process when it comes to what animal communication means to you. 

Whether you are new to animal communication, whether you're curious and interested, whether you're intrigued, whether you're actually passionate and you're at the point where you want to take animal communication further; whichever stage you are at there is always the exploring part of the learning you need to do.

And what do you actually need to explore? Consider exploring what animal communication is:

1. How it works

2. How to know what to do with it

3. What you would like from it

There is, of course, tons and tons of information available now. It is just so accessible to find out from other animal communicators and your peers what animal communication is, how it works for them and how they work with it. All of that is really valuable information. 

However, it is key for you to decide those three aspect for yourself. So although we might give a definition of animal communication, it's actually very important that you explore what animal communication is from your perspective. 

1. How does animal communication work from your perspective?

2. What are you going to do with it? Once you know about animal communication and you've experienced being able to communicate with animals, what do you want to do with it?

3. What would you like from it for yourself? 

So that's where exploring comes in. I like the word exploring because to me it means practice. I know we can have a bit of a block with the word “practice”. And it's not just with practising animal communication; it is with any new skill that we learn. Anything that we have to try out for the first time. We all hear that sensible, wise advice - you need to practice in order to get better -and sometimes I don't. But for me sometimes just hearing that word ‘practice’ makes me think ‘oh god, I don't want to do that bit I just want to do the fun bit, I just want to do the exciting bit’. But I want to motivate you to know that practising is fun if you set it up right for yourself. It can be, and will be, the most exhilarating experience within your animal communication learning journey!

There are three important components to your journey as a learner. 

The first component is you. What your process is. What your relationship is with your intuitive self. Have you thought about how you actually need to cultivate a relationship with your intuitive self first? You need your intuition when it comes to animal communication. 

And also your relationship with the animals; what is that about? What do you want to do for them? What's your intention for communicating with them? What are you expecting from them? That's your second component. 

And the third component is the relationship and connection between you, the animals and other humans. 

This is a very important component because we are looking at interspecies communication. You’re not just communicating with the animals by yourselves, for when you want to truly benefit the animal you will need the human involvement. The third component is like having a relationship with yourselves, with the animal and with the pet parent(s). 

Now all of these components have one thing in common that you will need in order to motivate you and to give you courage to practice. And that is support from others. I say all this with the wonder and beauty of hindsight from my own journey to becoming a professional full time animal communicator and what my own learning in my own practice journey has been. Hence my wish to offer to you, and to many other learners who want to have their hand held at a certain time of their learning journey, to have access to my guidance and mentoring. 

Animals needs animal communicators, there are just not enough of us around; this is so true. I don't mean you have to be a professional animal communicator as this may not be your chosen path. It’s more about having confidence and understanding how communication can be a language you can access anytime you need.

I believe that you already know you can communicate with animals, otherwise the interest isn't really going to be there. I also believe that if you're really interested in something it means you can do it. However it's more about what are you going to do with it, what do you want from it and what you can do, and most importantly how it will benefit the animals. And the only way you are going to find this out is to practice. How else will you know what the role of animal communication is going to play in your life?

The reason I believe that you may be hesitant with putting yourself forward and making time to communicate with animal is because you hold the fear of either looking or feeling silly. There may be many things that you’d like to relay from the animal but worry the animal’s person may not relate to it. 

However, allow your desire to become priority at this moment in time. This is what I am here to help you with. To build your confidence and level of ability to the point where your fears do not stop you from working with animals and being a voice for them.

My key tip at this point is for you to focus your practice on your communication process. Focus on your passion for communicating with animals as your own process of finding out how it works for you and how it could benefit the animal. If you keep this in mind then allow this to be your goal, rather than getting it right. The reason practice is so important is because it's your own exploration and the best advice someone has given me for facing challenges is to harness the energy of curiosity. 

So be curious. Be curious when you're sitting there on your own, in a room with a photograph of an animal, wondering if anything is going to happen. With intuitive work it’s so important to be curious. Be curious of your process. Be curious about the things you don’t understand, asking ‘what is it that you don't understand?’ in terms of what you have just seen. Was it just a flash of light? Was it actually a blob? You don't understand it but you are going be curious. Don’t immediately back off just because you didn’t understand something. Be curious instead.

Giving and receiving information with an animal is very much about your relationship with your intuitive self. How do you feel about trusting your intuition? When you trust your intuition, animal communication is simple and that is how it links up. 

Do you live your life intuitively? Because when you do animal communication, communicating with animals is all part and parcel of it. At the early stages when I was learning animal communication I was doing it “back to front”, in that I was trying to communicate with animals and then almost trying to be intuitive. The older, wiser me now realises that the more I connect with my intuitive self, the more I am exercising my intuitive senses. It is the strongest energy muscle to help you communicate with animals. When you trust your intuitive self, you will see how easy it is to receive communication from an animal.


Begin by developing and deepening your ability to receive intuitive images, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, emotions, thoughts, words, and knowingness. You will need all these senses when you’re communicating with animals. 

Release the fear of being rejected, the fear of being judged, the fear of being criticized. Embracing your blocks is better than pushing your blocks aside. So there you are, you say to yourself “right, I'm going to practice with an animal”, and then all these blocks come up and you find yourself saying “I haven’t got time, it's just not peaceful enough where I am”. Just embrace. 

Are you ready to delve deeper into what is offered as help to you, to gain your confidence and improve your ability so you can hold wondrous communications with animals?

I’m glad your answer is a resounding YES and I look forward to being part of your animal communication journey.


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